The drama and the trolls have taken their toll on me at the Monster Magnet forum.
As I told jcwn that forum was basically my last stop on the way off the net. I have modded/admin'd many forums and had to deal with many kinds of miscreants, trolls, antisocial assholes and just plain jerks and finally have had enough. I thought the MM forum would be a cool place to call home and try to set down some roots one last time but unfortunately the drama and the troll(s) were worse than any 3 other places I had been at. And like I told Southpaws in an e-mail not only will I not be at the forum much I won't even be on-line much. The ravages of type 2 Diabetes are taking their toll on me and I want to get out and enjoy life while I still can rather than spending my time in this box (and Southpaws that is why I was pushing for us to all meet in AC and was sooooo bummed that it fell through).
I had a great time at the MM show at the Starland, btw a cherry popping show for me, and want to thank jcwn and his girlie, Southpaws, Joymar, Dakota, Rockit, Chig, Darkie, J and Sean for making it a night to remember। It is a shame that not only did MM back out of the July 3rd show in AC but that the plans got scrapped for us to go to see Clutch anyways. But it is what it is. If the band plays a gig within 5 hours of me I'll be there but I want to thank my on-line friends for a real life good time. Thanks peeps...
Here is a clip from the show...
I was going to comment on your comment at TPM about how great the 1950s were. But no matter how many times I click on "Reply", nothing happens.
Anyway, the 1950s were great if you were Pat Buchahan. People were paid well... if they were white males. American products? Protected by unsustainable protectionism. Consider the auto industry. They built dangerous crap covered in fins. This was not innovation. All the while Japan and Germany were innovating.
The ridiculous 80% top tax rate was confiscatory. And where did it go? Not to blacks, Latinos, or Native Americans. It went to build nuclear bombs and more and more military hardware.
Things finally started to improve in the 1950s. The tax rates went down, and the civil rights movement started. Both are related. Both assert the rights of the people as opposed to the might of the ruling State.
At the risk of sounding retarded, I just want to be sure this is Libertine62 - specifically, the same Libertine who posted so many awesome Monster Magnet videos on youtube. My comment is a little weird, but whatever: I want to know where you found the artwork used in the 'Ozium' clip by MM you posted. In particular, I'm looking for the picture of the flaming girl found at :58 - I want to attempt to make a tattoo out of it. My email is Appreciate any help. Thank you.
If this is the same Libertine as Libertine62 that posted all those awesome MM clips on youtube, I have a question: I am trying to find out where you found the artwork you used in assembling the "Ozium" clip. Specifically, I am interested in the flaming girl piece at :58. I am trying to turn it into a tattoo. My email is Appreciate any help, thank you.
Jeez Martin, I forget where I found that pic. I'll try to check around again and I'll let you know if I can find it again. I had originally found it on a image search on a search engine...
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