Monday, September 20, 2010

I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus...

A story on NBC News tonight alarmed me. It seems this year, because of the unusual warmth, it was reported that the polar ice has been greatly reduced. So much so many of the walrus, not having their usual places to hang out, pack ice, have made their way to land at Point Lay Alaska.

Earlier this week M.J. Rosenberg at Talking Points Memo made a post about the recent tornado in Queens, NY, arguing that is was "proof" that global warming was real. I pointed out to M.J. that as minimal as it is this is tornado season in the northeast U.S. And it is no more proof that global warming is real as the 3 blizzards in the mid-atlantic last winter "prove" that global warming/climate change isn't happening, as some on Fox News claimed in the aftermath of the storms. If you want tangible proof the NBC News walrus story and this one about stressed out coral reefs across the globe are better examples to use.

Meanwhile to try to send out some good vibes for the Walrus which is under some considerable duress...some music.

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